This is in response to the following assignment: 
        Was the course too long or too short? Was the packing list about right or does it need to be modified?

        I definitely could have stayed a few more days. There is so much to see and do and not nearly enough time. I understand that some groups may get irritated with each other, but our group was so great together; we didn't have any problems other than occasionally waiting on someone, which wasn't that bad.  To have the opportunity to live like the Dominicans, enjoying life with what they have more than most people who have everything in excess, would be amazing.
        The packing list covered pretty much everything.  Here's a few things I did that were helpful but not necessary:
            I bought insect spray for clothing and sprayed most of my outer wear the day before packing. It is supposed to last up to 6 weeks or 6 washings. I had no problem with bugs getting me through or near my clothes. I also used it on my misquito net, because I would have been a bit terrified if I found a ton of misquitoes lingering outside it in the morning.  I don't think that would have happened anyway, but it's nice assurance.
        If someone has a waterproof camera, it is definitely a great idea to bring along. Take pictures underwater, in the spray of a waterfall, and while it's raining.
        Although I brought a beach towel, I ended up using a smaller quick-dry towel from the camping section of Walmart. It took hardly any space in my backpack, dried me off quick, and dried quicker than a regular towel would so it could be ready for the next excursion.
        Some of the banks in the US have partner banks in Dominica. For instance, Bank of America's partner bank is Scotiabank. It's useful to find a partner bank because they won't charge you an ATM fee.
        I brought things I wouldn't mind leaving behind so I could have extra space in my suitcase for souveniers. I left behind about 8 t-shirts that I never wear at home and 3 pairs of shoes. I packed all of my toiletries in travel-size, so I left behind a small bag full of unused shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, lotion, mouthwash, etc. Not to worry, I used hygeine products everyday; I simply overpacked.  I liked leaving things behind for people who could use them rather than let them sit around in my house or a Goodwill store.

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