This is a response to the following assignment:
        Aside from the airline and travel stuff, what were the greatest deficiencies in the program? How could they be avoided in the future? Try to focus on aspects that we actually can do something about. The roads and the weather, for example, are outside our control.

        My only real complaint is with those super-slow snail races. We thought we were going to have to wait 15 minutes for each snail to do its race, twice, with 30 snails in each size category. Please check up on lab experiments a little more often; it could save some time and frustration.
        When going to Sulfur Springs, be sure to tell students not to wear a light-colored swimsuit in the water.  The iron deposits will create stains on it.
        I would have liked to go to a different church the second Sunday, to get a taste of different denominations or congregations. However, it was nice to recognize people.
        Are there any more sand beaches? If there are, it would be neat to see them. If not, no big deal.
        Club Domingo near Laudat looked interesting. That would have been a cool cross-cultural experience, although not necessary. I imagine that the environment could have easily gotten risky with US students standing out in the crowd.  
        I have one last request:  just a few more days? :)

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