This morning I went with Eddie and Nolan when they went to do their laundry on the next street over. It's cheaper and quicker than  the laundry at the hotel. We grabbed breakfast and I entertained a baby while we were waiting. The mother, a Muslim, seemed not to trust me, so I only gave the baby smiles and funny faces while she wasn't watching. 
           We all went to Brugge this afternoon, pronounced "Brooje", at least those of us who were still in town. About half of our group went to Barcelona, but 19 is still a good bit. We took the train, which cost each of us 10 Eu roundtrip. On the way there, I sat next to an administrator from a secondary school in Brugge. She spoke English to us, telling us where to go. Her sister married a man from Bangladesh and now they live in Houston, Texas. The rest of the train ride I talked with some people from our group and I initiated a game of "Would You Rather...?" to keep us occupied for a while. 
           In Brugge, the city was a lot more modern than I expected. However, there were a good many historical sites with old cathedrals and towers. We had lunch at a place Eddie recommended, but I was extremely disappointed in the price. My meal cost 21 Eu, and I actually got a deal compared to other people. :(  A water was 4.50 Eu! The only beverage I could find that was cheaper was a small 4 Eu glass of wine. Annoyed with most of the girls at the time, I explored the city with two genuinely nice guys from our group. We got some cool pictures, went through a few stores, and got a little lost. I went into a hotel to ask for directions and they helped us find a boat tour. We got on the last boat of the day for that company so it was very nice. About 15 kilometers from the northern coast of Belgium, Brugge is the "Venice of the North." While we were waiting, I stuck up a conversation with a group of people also from the US. One couple was from Florida, another lady was from Minnesota, and her father was from the Netherlands. We bonded as fellow English speakers and then enjoyed taking pictures on from the canals.
          The bus for Paris is leaving at 8am tomorrow, so we have to meet in the lobby at 6:30. I am not bringing my laptop with me, so don't expect any updates until Sunday.

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